Welcome to Colorado!
Dear College Admission Officers:
We're looking forward to seeing you during your fall travels! We appreciate your attention to our students and hope you enjoy your time in Denver and on our beautiful campus. We think CA is a remarkable place within the landscape of independent schools nationwide. You can find more information here on the CA site about our curriculum, programs and culture before you visit and as you read applicationswe are particularly proud of CA's commitment to 21st century skills and to creating a positive school culture.

Scheduling a Visit:
Thank you for your interest in Colorado Academy. Please use MaiaLearning to schedule your visit. We ask that you schedule at least a week in advance so that our students have time to sign up. 

This fall, during the week of September 23-27, 2024, when many college and university representatives are visiting Colorado for college fairs, we have limited capacity to host college visits.

During the week of September 23-27, 2024, we invite any college or university that has received at least one application from a CA student within the past five years to schedule a visit. 

Please know that our campus is closed. If you do want to drop by with materials, you’ll be able to leave them with our security kiosk at the campus entrance. We would prefer, however, if you sent an email to Cyd.Tully@coloradoacademy.org with relevant links and information instead. 

If you remain interested in scheduling a visit but haven’t had an applicant in the last five years, please contact our office manager, Cyd Tully.

Fall Visits in General: If your institution has not received an application from a CA student in 5+ years, we will make our best effort to welcome you to campus, but because of scheduling limitations, we may not be able to accommodate your request. Our visits do not take place during class time and so are limited to specific blocks throughout the day. 

Please note that we have moved away from a "paper-based" resource library in the College Office, though students will appreciate your travel pieces.

We hope you enjoy your time in our region, and that you'll take some time to explore Denver and the nearby mountains while you're here. We probably won’t be the first or last to remind you, but don't forget your lip balm, sunscreen, and water bottle!

If we can assist you in any way during your time in Colorado, don't hesitate to give us a call.

Safe travels,

The CA College Office

CA Mission Statement Video

College Visit Assistance

Please schedule your visit to Colorado Academy through MaiaLearning. Cyd Tully is here to help if you have questions.

Cyd Tully
College Office Assistant

College Reps FAQs

List of 5 frequently asked questions.

© 2023 Colorado Academy