At CA, all Middle School students are part of an Advisory group, which meets twice daily and helps develop important social and emotional skills. Additionally, students participate in a variety of clubs, service-learning projects, and academic and social leadership opportunities.
Each Middle School student has an Advisor who is the child’s primary academic, social, and emotional support, and who serves as the primary contact and resource for parents.
Students meet with their Advisory, usually 12-15 students, and their Advisor every day. The Middle School has adopted a program developed by the Institute for Social and Emotional Learning (IFSEL) to help students develop skills that will help them to be successful in Middle School and as young adults.
Skill practice occurs twice a week and takes the shape of engaging, interactive lessons designed to create a strong sense of community and to practice skills in the following areas: self-awareness; self-management; social awareness; relationship skills; and responsible decision making. Each unit addresses important issues for adolescents in a grade-level age-appropriate manner, and helps students identify and practice the skills that enable them navigate their world and integrate gratitude into their daily experiences—gratitude for each other, their community, their teachers, and their family