Join CA for 2024 Admission Preview!

Admission Preview is an immersive introduction to the CA community. Please join us on Tuesday, September 24, or Wednesday, October 23!

Preview Schedule:
  • 8:25 a.m.: Remarks from Head of School, Dr. Mike Davis, in the Leach Center for the Performing Arts
  • 8:50 a.m.:
    • Campus Tours
    • Class Observations
    • Student Panel Discussions with Q&A hosted by Division Principals
  • 11:15 a.m.: Wrap-up
Parents/Guardians of Applicants to Grades 6-11: You may register for Preview by selecting your division of interest (Middle or Upper School) through the divisional link below. If interested in learning about multiple divisions, we advise selecting the division of your oldest student.

Parents/Guardians of Applicants to Pre-K-Grade 5: Lower School Preview is at capacity. If you're applying to Lower School for the 2025-2026 school year, you may schedule a Parent/Guardian Tour through your checklist in the applicant portal. If you're interested in CA for a future school year, you may submit this Inquiry Form to receive notification of future admission events.

Relocating from out-of-town? Please contact Paige Siemers to arrange a campus tour while you are visiting Denver.
Students Applying to Grades 9-11 for the 2025-2026 School Year:
  • Student registration for Preview is separate from Parent registration and is available through the "Student Tour" calendar once Step 1: Student Form is submitted.
  • Preview fulfills the Student Tour requirement of the application; alternatively, students who do not register for Preview may select a different Student Tour date from the calendar on their checklist.
  • Whether signing up for a Student Tour during Preview or on a different date, please register for one Student Tour through the "Student Tour Calendar" on the Applicant Checklist.

Únase a nosotros para la vista previa de admisión 2024!

La Vista Previa de Admisión es una introducción informativa a la comunidad de CA. El programa está diseñado para Padres/Tutores de solicitantes actuales y futuros de Pre-Kínder a 12º grado, así como para estudiantes interesados en postular a los grados 9º a 12º (edades 13+).

Nota: Habrá oportunidades próximas para que los estudiantes de Pre-Kínder a 8º grado exploren el campus, pero la Vista Previa está dirigida específicamente a Padres/Tutores de estudiantes en esos grados, en lugar de a los propios estudiantes.

Para inscribirse, por favor seleccione su división de interés utilizando los botones de división ubicados arriba. Si está interesado en conocer varias divisiones, seleccione la división del estudiante mayor al registrarse.

En ambos días, el programa es el siguiente:
  • 8:25 a.m.: Palabras de apertura del director general de la escuela, Dr. Mike Davis, en el Leach Center for the Performing Arts
  • 8:50 a.m.: Recorridos por el campus, observaciones del salón de clase, y paneles de estudiantes organizados por los directores de cada división
  • 11:00 a.m.: Cierre del evento
CA Admission Calendar
© 2024 Colorado Academy