Meet a Mustang


CA Senior part of three state championship teams (so far!)
What grade are you in?
Grade 12

What grade were you in when you started at CA?
Ninth Grade
When you think of CA, what comes to mind first?
Community. CA is a family, everyone here supports one another and truly cares about bettering ourselves as an entire school, not just as individuals.
What is your favorite memory of your time at CA?
Winning two Lacrosse and one Field Hockey State Championships. Being on both those teams has made my time at CA so special. The work we put in and the bond we form is unlike any other.
What academic subject or class has been challenging to you? What have you done to persevere?
My most challenging courses have been my science classes. I have taken biology, chemistry, and am currently in AP Physics. Though these are the hardest for me to comprehend immediately, the teachers are incredibly patient and helpful.
Share what you love about CA's arts offerings.
The art program is great at CA, because you don’t have to choose just one form of art to study throughout high school. Everyone has the opportunity to try any class and experience new aspects of the art world without any pressure to stick with them in the future.
Share what you love about your experiences in CA athletics.
My experience in CA athletics has been the highlight of my career here. I have formed countless friendships with my teammates, and my coaches have become my role models. I have learned how to be a leader through my Field Hockey captainship, and I am able to apply this to my academics and other activities outside of school.
What was the best book or series that you’ve ever read?
My favorite book I’ve ever read was Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.
What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?
My dream is to helicopter ski in Canada.

Meet A Mustang:

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