News Detail

Focus on Wellness: Two Important Programs for Students

Jon Vogels
Attorney Karen Steinhauser is returning to campus this week to speak to 9th graders. Ms. Steinhauser has been an attorney in Denver for thirty years, and she also has appeared on Channel 4 News as their legal correspondent. She has visited CA several times in the past, speaking to parent and student groups about the legal ramifications and implications of drug and alcohol use, social media misuse, and sexual assault.
The reason we believe Karen has been an effective presenter is that she is very non-judgmental about the issues she presents. There is no preaching about the evils of drugs and alcohol per se, only clear explanations as to the legal ramifications of one's decision making. She helps students understand, for instance, that if they are arrested, their record will stay with them for a long time and will affect everything from summer employment to college options. She also has very interesting points to make about what it means to be in "possession" of alcohol or marijuana; simply being at a party where drugs and/or alcohol are present (whether consuming them or not), puts kids at jeopardy for arrest if the police show up. 
In the end, we believe students make better and healthier decisions when they have all the facts in front of them. Karen Steinhauser is one of our best guest speakers, because she speaks in a straightforward, not patronizing way with kids; as she says, "none of you wants to end up as one of my clients.”
In an effort to raise awareness of the dangers of eating disorders and distorted body images, we will also have another special guest speaker for sophomores on Friday. Kate Daigle is a local licensed therapist in private practice that specializes in treating clients with Eating Disorders and Body Image issues. She also facilitates classes and support groups for individuals struggling with eating disorders at "The Eating Disorder Foundation.”
Kate will share her expertise in identifying the signs and symptoms of eating disorders and ways to help others get the treatment they need in order to overcome this terrible illness. She will also share her own story and battle of overcoming anorexia and bulimia with the help of friends, family and supportive therapists that guided her to recovery.

Kate has many great resources, including the ones noted below:

  • National Assoc. for Males with Eating Disorders:
  • The Eating Disorder Foundation ( a free and open support center in Denver offering support groups and a safe place to find others who understand.

see for a recommended reading list

Powerful TED talk on body image and confidence: - t-491481
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