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Student Summer Opportunities: Peyton Rice

Sara Purviance, Associate Director of College Counseling, interviewed a few of seniors, asking them about their most recent summer, their most meaningful summer experience, and how their experiences have changed their perspective. Here are the answers from Peyton Rice:
How did you spend your time over the past summer?
I spent [most of my summer] playing club baseball, practicing three hours everyday. I also attended the Architecture Discovery Program at Washington University in St. Louis for two weeks. While earning college credit, I was taught undergraduate curriculum from Wash U. professors and garnered a taste of what it is like to be an architect.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned quite a bit about myself this past summer. During my junior year, I thought that baseball was a central aspect of who I was. I still love the sport, but after a summer’s worth of complete immersion, I found that it is only part of me. This is where my experiences with architecture eventually became more significant. I spent roughly ten hours in the studio everyday for two weeks, and I rarely grew impatient with my work. The portfolio I created by the end of the program was professional, aesthetically pleasing, and representative of my hard work. This past summer helped direct me toward my future plans.
What has been your most meaningful summer experience in the past 3 years?
One of the most influential and impactful summer experiences I’ve had during my high school career was my service trip to Rwanda with CA. While spending time in the capital city, Kigali, we learned about the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 and the country’s efforts to recover from the tragic event. Most of our time was spent with the students at Sonrise High School, a primary and secondary school serving disadvantaged children of Rwanda. Another student from CA and I helped design podiums for a school debate system we organized. Not only did I bond with the other students and teachers on the trip, but I created friendships with students from Sonrise High School that will last forever. The attention I gave to the country was reciprocated many-fold.
How have your summer experiences carried over into the school year, or changed your overall perspective?
There are many ways that my summer experiences have emanated into the school year. In my portfolio class, I am using architectural techniques that I learned at Wash U. Through friendships with Rwandan high school students, I have gained another perspective that I can utilize in class discussions. My summer experiences are just as important to my education as my classes at CA. These two worlds are really the same though because the CA community wants to learn about the “true you”. They want to understand your passions and promote your interests. Your education at CA is prioritized so that you can learn and grow as a global citizen.
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