News Detail

Getting Extra Help

Jon Vogels
Thank you, teachers, parents and students for making our annual fall conferences such a success!  I know we enjoyed getting to know parents better and to share our observations of students over the first five weeks of school.  If concerns were raised, I want to emphasize to all that we are still early in the school year and there will be plenty of opportunity to improve.  I worry that panic sets in early sometimes and students (and parents, too) begin to doubt their ability to do well in a class.  Rest assured, we will do what we can to be supportive and to help guide students toward success.
Along these lines, a frequent topic that comes up during conferences involves extra help and how best to support a student who is struggling in a particular course or courses.  Sometimes, families immediately seek support help in the form of outside tutors.   I have some advice and guidance about that; as in years past, I have posted a FAQ sheet on the subject.  Please see the Downloads section on the Upper School News page of the Resource Boards for this guide.
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