News Detail

Surviving the End of the School Year

The month of May is fast-paced at Colorado Academy.   It can be a stressful time, too, with school exams, papers, and final projects due, not to mention gatherings, thank yous, and farewells.  My experience is that students often emerge at the end of the year, having survived these expectations, and are quite proud of their accomplishments. They begin to recognize the benefits of their struggles and the value of the friendships they have made. Helping them (and each other)  stay focused on those outcomes in the midst of the hectic pace is important; our time together is short. 

I’m not one for the series of “greatest hits” books that seem to fill best-seller shelves, but during busy times, there is some sage advice in the book, Life's Greatest Lessons: 20 Things That Matter.  It was written by a long-time high school teacher, Hal Urban. He underscores that when things get really crazy, it is a time for us and for our children to cultivate character. Urban says working hard, showing gratitude, and treating others with respect and honesty are the keys to surviving and thriving in these times. I hope you enjoy CA's many displays of student achievement in the coming days, and I look forward to sharing our end-of-the-year events together. 
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