News Detail

Tri 2 Grades, Learning Environment Information

By Angie Crabtree
Dear Lower School Families,
Trimester 2 report cards will be available online Friday, March 3, at 4 p.m. We provide report cards as an assessment tool three times a year (December, March, and June). Remember that children develop and master skills at varying rates. Concentrate on how your child is doing as an individual, rather than comparing them to a sibling or a classmate. The Trimester 2 report card provides an update relating to the performance and goals established in November.
As communicated previously, the classroom report card includes a focus on social and emotional development, skills to support learning, and specific academic skills.  Each section is divided into a list of skills and knowledge that students are responsible for learning at varying levels of complexity.  Students receive an assessment mark for each standard. A narrative section of curriculum is provided to outline the material covered in Trimester 2. 
The teachers do not provide a narrative comment for each student in Trimester 2. They will review your child’s performance relating to their progress and establish goals for Trimester 3 during the upcoming Parent/Teacher Conference.
Specialist report cards also include a list of skills and knowledge within the special area, along with a narrative section to outline the curriculum covered during the trimester.
The assessment scale used to record performance for each standard is:
ED:      Exceeding Developmental Expectations
Consistently and independently applies and extends key concepts, process, and skill above grade-level expectations for the trimester.
DA:       Developing Appropriately
Demonstrates a general understanding of the concept and skill and performs to grade-level expectations for the trimester.
NS:      Needs Support, Attention, and Continued Practice
Inconsistent in performance and requires repeated assistance with the concept or skill; student is making progress but having difficulty applying skills on a consistent basis for the trimester.
AC:      Area of Concern
Demonstrates difficulty understanding or achieving grade-level knowledge or developmental skills; the student requires support at school and home to move towards grade-level standards.
#:      Not assessed during this trimester
A student may receive an ED for a standard in Trimester 1, and then receive DA or NS in Trimester 2 due to new or more complex expectations within the curriculum. 
Absences and tardies are also noted on the report card. Email Ivanna Oligny relating to any questions relating to an absence or a tardy. Thank you for your assistance in communicating this information to the Lower School so that we may process student absences properly.
To access your child's report card:
  • Log in to the website.
  • Select Children, and then select your student’s name.
  • Select the progress tab.
  • Under the Performance box, select the current grade level and then LS Report Card.
  • Select the link ,and it will download as a pdf document. 
  • Save a copy for your records until the Trimester 3 report card is released.
If you have questions or need assistance as you access the report card, please feel welcome to contact the Lower School Office.

Emotional Regulation Coffee Talk Slides

2023-2024 Learning Environment Information
Every year at this time, the Lower School turns its attention to the process of placing its students in their respective classes for the next year. This process begins now and is finished in August when we publish the class rosters and teacher assignments. We will create rosters with balanced classes in as many ways as is possible. In this process, there is a role for parents who wish to participate as well. You may write me an email sharing any observations that you have about the learning environment in which you think your child would most flourish. We are interested in any thoughts that you might have on that topic. 
This is not an invitation for you to have input into the specific teacher match with your child; it is simply an opportunity to participate in the process of sharing your observations about your child’s optimal learning environment. I strongly encourage you NOT to request a particular teacher, as those requests will not be acknowledged. If you wish to share any information, all letters relating to your child’s personality, any friendship concerns, and learning environment will remain confidential and must be submitted to me no later than April 10.

In the subject line of your email to me relating to the upcoming year, please use:
2023-2024 Learning Environment: Child’s Name (first/last).
Thank you for your participation in the process or for trusting and accepting that the process will work without your input.
Thank you,

Angie Crabtree
LS Principal
Colorado Academy
© 2023 Colorado Academy