News Detail

Reminders for the Start of School

A few things for school start...
To:  MS Parents
From:  Bill Wolf-Tinsman
Re:  School Start Information
Date:  August 2019
Here are a few reminders and updates that I hope will be helpful as you prepare for Monday and Tuesday.  It is shaping up to be an exciting year, and I speak for the faculty in sharing our enthusiasm for what lies ahead.
Please note that the New Student Technology Orientation on Monday from 2:45 – 4:00 pm is ONLY for NEW to the school students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade (Not the whole 6th grade). 4:00 is the Orientation for ALL 6th graders.
Additional Information I hope is helpful as you get ready for the start of school:
  • New Student Technology Orientation: New to the school 6th, 7th and 8th graders should meet in the Middle School Community Room at 2:45 pm on Monday, September 26, to receive your iPads. Time will be spent helping you get set up and ready to go for the first day. This session will be run by Jared Katzman, our technology director, and his team. (Please bring your keyboard to this session.)
  • New Student Orientation:  All sixth graders and new to the school 7th and 8th graders are invited to an orientation session on Monday, August 26 at 4:00 pm in the Middle School.  Parents may reconnect with their child after the orientation at the front desk for the Family Picnic which begins at 5:00 p.m.
  • Locker Set Up:  Interested returning 7th and 8th grade students may come to school and set up their locker between 5:00 and 5:15 pm on Monday, August 26.  This is optional, and children will be given time for this task on Tuesday, as well.  Our hope is that this may be fun for some children and encourage attendance at the picnic.  Students will receive their locker number and combination from their advisor.  Please do not arrive earlier than 5:00 pm as we will not issue lockers until new student orientation wraps up. 
  • School Supply Information:  Children should arrive at school on Tuesday, August 27 with necessary school supplies and their charged iPad (please update your apps, too). The short list of school supplies can be found on the school’s website.
  • Welcome Back Picnic:  We are hoping to see everyone at the Welcome Back Picnic on Monday, August 26 at 5:00 PM. 
  • First Parent Association Meeting:  Please join me on Thursday, August 29 at 8:30 am in the Middle School Community Room for our first PA meeting.  I look forward to sharing an overview of our program and highlights of what is new programmatically for 2019-20.
  • Back to School Night: If you have not done so already, please mark your calendars for Thursday, September 5, so that you can join us for Back to School Night. This is your chance to get to know your child’s teachers and become familiar with our curricular goals for each subject area. The evening begins with a light supper in the dining hall at 6:15. Remarks begin at 6:40 pm.
  • Student Honor Statement and Technology Use Expectations:  During the first weeks of school, advisors will share with students an Honor Statement and Technology Use Expectations which we will ask each student and his/her parents to sign and then return to school.  The honor statement and Technology Agreement serve as reminders of the importance of behaving with integrity from the first day of school to the last. 
  • Health Plans, Medical Forms, Medications and Non-Prescription Medication form: We must have all health plans, medical forms and necessary medications BEFORE the FIRST day of school as we need to be prepared for any medical contingency that may arise. If your child has a health care plan for conditions such as a severe allergy which requires an epi pen or asthma which requires an inhaler, and we do not have the necessary medication, your child will NOT be able to attend school. Please also be sure to consider medications that you would like the school to be able to give during field trips or during interim e.g. medications that are given before or after school as this will save you time later in the year. Similarly, if you child does not have a signed athletic participation physical exam form, s/he will not be able to participate in athletics. Please also note that if you would like the school to be able to give your child any non-prescription medications, we must have both the appropriate signed doctor’s form AND the necessary medication (advil, Benadryl, etc.) By law, any medication that was not picked up last June was disposed of by the school. We are being intentionally very careful about these safety related issues.
  • ALL 6th Grade and New to 7th or 8th Grade Student Family Picture:  If you have not done so already, please email a family picture to Fran Clark.  Ideally the picture is relatively recent and clearly shows faces.  Thanks.
  • On the first day of school, we will be taking advisory pictures which will also be used for the yearbook.      
  • The list of healthy snacks is below for your reference. Thanks.
  • Finally, our perennial favorite, dress code: we continue to ask your help with dress code. The first two weeks of school we will be giving the kids LOTS of reminders about what is in dress code and what is not. Should a child arrive out of dress code after this “practice” period, they will be asked to call you to bring a replacement piece of clothing, receive an infraction and be asked to wear CA gear until you arrive. I have put the dress code description below as well.
I hope you enjoy the weekend, and I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school!
Students may not keep any food or beverages in their lockers. If these items are found, they will be confiscated immediately. Please help us keep the school pest-free by not allowing your child to bring personal food items to school.
Students should bring their own snacks from the list below. Parents should not bring a snack if their child forgets. This is an important aspect of teaching your child responsibility. Only items on the list below are allowed. Note: because of allergy concerns, any snack brought to school should not contain nuts of any sort.
Granola Bars (no nuts)                                    Gogurts/Yogurt                       String Cheese
Fruit and Veggie Chips                                   Goldfish                                  Fruit leathers & other dried fruit
Carrots/celery or other vegetables                  Pretzels                                    Small bagels w/cream cheese (no nuts
Fruit (tangerines, oranges, apples, etc.)          Jerky                            Power/Clif/Harvest Bars (no nuts)
Nutrigrain breakfast bars (no nuts)                 Presliced cheese/salami           Whole wheat crackers
  • Items not on the above list are not allowed in school.
  • Items like cheese, Gogurts, etc., do not need refrigeration, since the items are consumed early enough in the day that they will keep.
  • All items are distributed before morning recess and need to be portable, since they are consumed in advisor rooms.
  • No drinks are ever to be brought in with snack; students are encouraged to bring water to school. Only water is allowed in the building. No pop, juice drinks, sports drinks, etc. are allowed.       The only exception is for class holiday parties (e.g., Halloween).
  • Students may bring in baked goods (e.g., cupcakes, donuts, etc.) only for a birthday treat, and the item must not require refrigeration. No exceptions.
CA acknowledges that choice of clothing is deeply personal and a means of self-expression. As a school we value the voices and choices of individuals, and these are always in balance with the good of the community.
We are a school community that includes Pre-K -12th grade students, as well as adult staff, faculty, and visitors. Our dress should reflect our respect for our school community. Students should wear clothing that is comfortable and practical for their various learning environments, using maturity and self-regulation to select clothing that will not offend others or violate health or safety codes.  The choice to wear clothing that is not in compliance will lead to appropriate divisional consequences.
As such:
-          All clothing must be neat and clean
-          Clothing may not make references to drugs, alcohol or profane language;
-          Footwear must be worn at all times.
Middle and Lower School Clarification:
In the lower divisions, CA expects students to dress in age appropriate, modest attire.  These clarifications are intended to help middle and lower school students comply with the spirit of the dress code.
  • Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh in length (with both your balled fists comfortably at your sides, your hem should be no shorter than the length of your fist).
  • Shirts must extend well below the waistline of one’s pants (hold both your hands straight above your head, and your mid-section should be completely covered by your shirt and pants).
  • Tank top straps must be three fingers in width and bra straps should not be visible.  (Boys may not wear tank tops.)
  • The following are not permitted:
    • Clothing with words printed across the buttocks
    • Scooped or low-cut necklines and backless tops.
    • Clothing with school inappropriate language or messages
M. Dress Code Violations
Students who are out of dress code receive an infraction and are asked to call home so that his/her parent can drop off a replacement piece of clothing. While students wait for the clothing, each will wear CA gear – shirt or pants. The gear must be signed out with Mrs. Clark and returned to her the same day. Loss of CA gear will result in an appropriate fine.
We strongly recommend that all sweatshirts, coats, jackets, hats, mittens, and boots be labeled with the student’s name. This applies to swimsuits, towels, and gym clothing also. At the end of each trimester, we donate unclaimed children’s clothing from our Lost and Found to charity.
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