Student Summer Opportunities: Annie Miller

Student Summer Opportunities: Annie Miller
Sara Purviance, Associate Director of College Counseling, interviewed a few of seniors, asking them about their most recent summer, their most meaningful summer experience, and how their experiences have changed their perspective. Here are the answers from Annie Miller:
How did you spend your time over the past summer?
I spent last summer on a service trip through a tripping company called Wilderness Adventures. I spent a few weeks in Kona, Hawaii or the Big Island participating in multiple service projects and also exploring the island. We worked in national parks, farms, and worked with an oceanic educational outreach organization called Reef Teach.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I was able to put outdoor skills and leadership skills to work in a completely different environment that I have been in. Both literally, as I have never experienced a place like Hawaii, and also being surrounded by people I had never known before the trip.
What has been your most meaningful summer experience in the past 3 years?
My most meaningful trip was a trip I did before junior year, which was a four-week backpacking and sea-kayaking trip. We spend 8 days kayaking and the rest of the time on the Appalachian Trail backpacking a total of 160 miles, including summiting Mt. Katahdin. This trip really pushed me far past my limits but also made me learn more about myself.
How have your summer experiences carried over into the school year, or changed your overall perspective?
After my backpacking trip, things that I had learned from that trip really carried over into all aspects of my life. I was much more confident in myself after completing such a trip, which made a huge difference in my academics. Also, considering we lived off of very little and carried it all on our backs, I became much more grateful for what I have, and know not to take things for granted. Overall, I was able to come to a realization as to what was most important in my life, and made lots of changes!
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