Upcoming Events

Textbook Buyback Event

Colorado Academy is offering again the EZ Drop Buyback program through MBS Direct, the school’s online textbook provider. The program will continue to provide families with a way to reduce textbook costs by reselling used books, plus the program is structured to serve as a fundraiser for the Parent Association. Prior to the Drop-off Day families will connect with MBS Direct to generate a quote for the books to be sold back. On Drop-off Day students bring their books to the drop-off site in the CA Bookstore. Drop-off for Upper School will be May 15th - June 2nd. Look online for further details, and contact parent volunteer Jeni Goldman with questions.

We appreciate everyone bringing their books to the CA bookstore with the quote sheet.
If you have any questions, please call MBS Direct at 1-800-325-2352 or Janet Plant in the CA Bookstore at 303-914-2551

Click here for instructions.
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